Monday, May 16, 2011

Slow Mobile & Throttled

I may be throttled by Verizon or Richmond, VA and Big Red aren't friends

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Add Sports Teams Schedules to Your Google Calendar

Here's the quick answer I posted to

Hop on your PC and go to Google Calendar -> Settings -> Calendar Settings -> choose "Calendars" tab -> Browse Interesting Calendars (halfway down the page) -> choose "Sports" tab.

You now have access to Pro/College football, baseball, hockey, cricket, etc.

Once you subscribe to a sports calendar (international holiday, moon cycle, sunrise/set calendars are available, too) you can pick which are displayed on your phone through whichever app/widget you use.

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Google App: Androidify

Just released is the new avatar application for Android phones:  Androidify.  Use it to create a cartoonish version of yourself, your friends, or family and add it to contacts, send it online, etc.  It's cute, a little fun, but so far very little functionality.  I'll give it a few spins and upload my results

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Buy/Sell an Android Smart Phone

There was a question posed on which phones to buy under $200 on T-Mobile.  I believe this is the best way to determine market value of ANY smart phone if you are considering buying or selling:

Log into eBay and do an advanced search of specific models. In the advanced search menu, click the "completed listings" box. When you get the list, take note of the sale prices in Green (ignore the red ones, they did not sell). This gives you the range of what buyers were willing to pay. BEWARE: read descriptions of your high and low range, some may be bundled with junk accessories, or "as is/for parts". This range will give you bargaining power if you decide to buy off Craigslist.  Doing this will give you a Real Time look at basic economics (the value of a product is determined by how much one is willing to pay for it).

Side note:  ALWAYS KEEP YOUR BOX AND ORIGINAL MATERIALS!!!  The smartphone box alone could make a $50 difference in the resale value online.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Alien Theme on the HTC Droid Incredible

ADW Launcher
In this screen shot from my HTC Droid Incredible (Verizon) I have the ADW Launcher with 5 action buttons in the system tray, ADW.Buuf.Theme, Beautiful Widgets app with Splamdroid_Stealth clock and Splamdroid weather (skins by N8.B @  You should also note that you are viewing a Live Wallpaper called Polar Clock, which I believe is stock to the HTC Incredible.

Customizing Your Android Home Screens

ADW Launcher on Droid Eris
So it seems a few of my friends are picking up Android phones (either from the mass of advertising or my own suggestions), but it seems not many people have a clue how to customize their home screens or even know that they have the options to do so.  If you are a little squimish about "Bricking" your phone (to make a change that causes the phone unusable and in need of repair), then I think I have some suggestions (or at least I could tell you what I did (and I will try to define as many terms as possible for the newbies).

The picture shows a screenshot from my HTC Droid Eris (Verizon).  You will notice that this looks extremely different from the classic HTC screen shots we've all seen.  The screen looks similar to the stock HTC Sense UI (User Interface), but, in fact, it does not even have the Sense UI installed.  It has the ADW Launcher (Free) app installed with the Beautiful Widgets (~$2.03) clock/weather app on the home screen.  More on that later.

I went advanced on this one and rooted (giving the owner SuperUser access to the phone's operating system), then went to town.  I would NOT recommend rooting your phone if you don't have the time to do the research involved.  It's like Jail Breaking your iPhone or iPod Touch, and there's always a chance that a minor OS update could throw everything out of whack.  If you are interested in rooting your Eris or any other phone, feel free to contact me for more info or post questions in the comments section.

The ADW Launcher allows very dynamic customization.  It allows you to add up to five Action Buttons (AB) to the bottom of your screen for quick access to your most used apps.  In the screenshot I have Runkeeper Pro (Free) on the Left AB, the stock web browser on the Right AB and in the middle is the icon for the App Drawer launcher.  ADW Launcher also allows you to add custom themes to your screen.  In a previous post I added a screenshot of the Sticker Album ADW Theme (Free).  In the screenshot you will see the ADW Ubuntu Theme (free) by Ryan Olson.  He had a $.99 donation version with extra wallpapers and icons, but I think it has since been removed.

The icon for the app drawer is the Ubuntu Linux logo, and goes with the Ubuntu theme for the phone.  You'll also notice that the icons for Gmail, Google Talk, Music, Messaging, Market, and Maps are different than the stock icons.  These are inherant to the Ubuntu Theme.

Beautiful Widgets simulates the HTC Sense UI clock/weather widget very well, but also allows you to add custom themes for both the clock itself AND the weather.  Go crazy looking for the best color combinations for your desktop (as you can see from the weather, it was a cloudy day).

Good luck!  Comments are welcome

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello, Android Market!

Hello, Android Market!

As noted in my YouTube video series on Android 2.3 Gingerbread and upcoming Google changes, the Android Market website is now open for business!!!  As of February 4th, 2011 you are now able to transmit your Android apps directly to your phone if you log in. "Say what? That's friggin cra-zy!" I agree, but it's smooth as all-get-out!

All you do is click on the link to the Android Market (, click the "Sign In" link at the upper right corner to sign in with your Google Account and you are there. You can click the "My Market Account" link to view all the Google Apps installed on your Android phone(s), AND you can search for new apps to install OTA (that's Over The Air, for the un-initiated). I installed the "maps 4 twydroid" extension to Tydroid and it installed directly to my Droid Incredible without me even touching the phone.

So if you're one of those amateur Android users who STILL DOES NOT have a Google Account, then get on the ball, and try it out. It'll make ya famous.